1748 October 22
Date Address Documents
1761 Castle Yard, Dublin
1762-1771 College Green, Dublin
1767-83 28 Dame Street, Dublin

Merchants and Traders Dublin, Watsons Almanack 1783

1783 Treble Almanack & Dublin Directory 1783 Transcription

1781-1832 (inherited by son George and then his granddaughter Sarah) 4 St Andrews Street

Particulars of tenure at to Lot at 4 St Andrews Street

1786-1797 22/23 Suffolk Street, Dublin  

Simmonscourt, Dublin 4

Towards the close of the eighteenth century Counsellor Whittingham and Mr. Trulock are mentioned as the chief residents at Simmonscourt
A History of the County Dublin
1798 October 25
Date Event Document
1748 Married Elizabeth Brownrig on October 22, in St. Peters parish, Dublin.  
1750/1751 AS a copious Drenching with strong Tar Water, has been found both the speediest and safest Cure for, as well as the most effectual Preservative against the present growing Distemper amongst the Cattle. Thomas Trulock, who keeps the Shop on College-green formerly kept by Henry Heatly, deceased, purposes, for the Benefit of the Publick, and particularly for the Ease of the Poor, keeping a second Sort of Tar Water, stronger then ordinary, and fit for the Purpose, at 8 Pence per Gallon. The Dublin Journal 1750/1751
1753 Freeman of Dublin Ancient Freemen of Dublin 1564-1774

Part of the lease Arthur signed guaranteed him his brewing water free of tax or pipe money, and in this regard he had a long standing feud with the city authorities which lasted over twenty years. Then on the 16th May, 1775 a Corporation committee and a team of labourers, having served notice on Mr. Guinness, arrived at the brewery and set out to cut off and fill in the water course from which the brewery drew its supplies. Arthur declared that if necessary he would defend his water by force of arms. The Sheriff, Mr. Truelock, was called and with two of the men set about the work of destruction. When at this point the outraged proprietor himself arrived on the scene, seized a pickaxe from a workman and defied the party to proceed,using very much improper language, the sheriff had second thoughts and counselled withdrawal.

From: A Tale of Thirst and how Guinness Cured it.

Registry of Deeds 297-143 - 194319 Registered 15 Jan 1743, by Thos. Trulock, Thos. Meyler, and Edw. Beatty.

Memorial of Deed dated 9 January 1773, between Thomas Truelock of the city of Dublin, gunmaker, of the 1st part; Thomas Meyler of the city of the City of Dublin, looking glass maker of the 2nd part; and Edward Beatty of the City of Dublin, stationer, of the 3rd part. Reciting that the corporation of Dublin, by the following 12 respective leases all dated 20 Sept. 1770 and respectively demised to following persons, to hold said leases respectively for the lives of said Thomas Truelock, Edward Beatty and Thomas Meyler, with covenant of renewal every 70 years, viz;

To Thomas Truelock parcel of ground No. 1 situated on the Southeast side of Hog Hill, City of Dublin, containing 23 feet front to Hog Hill and in depth on the east side to St. Andrews Church Yard 91 feet, and in depth on the west side 91 feet, at £20 - 14/- rent.

To Thomas Truelock parcel of ground No. 2 situated on the Southeast side of Hog Hill, continuing front to Hog Hill 23 feet, at £12-1/6 rent,

To Thomas Truelock parcel of ground No. 3 situated the south side of Hog Hill, continuing in front to Hog Hill 25 feet.

To Thomas Truelock parcel of ground No. 11, situated on North side of Chequer Lane, City of Dublin, containing 20 feet fron to Chequer Lane.

To Thomas Truelock parcel of ground No. 12 situated on North side of Chequer Lane, continuing 20 feet front to Chequer Lane.

To Thomas Meyler parcel of ground No. 4 situated on Southeast side of Hog Hill, continuing in front to Hog Hill 21 feet.

To Thomas Meyler parcel of ground No. 5 situated on Southeast side of Hog Hill continuing in front to Hog Hill 21 feet.

To Thomas Meyler parcel of ground No. 6 situated on Southeast side of Hoghill continuing in front to Hig Hill 21 feet.

To Thomas Meyler parcel of ground No. 9 situated on North side of Chequer Lane continuing in front to Chequer Lane 20 feet.

To Thomas Meyler parcel of ground No. 10 situated on North side of Chequer Lane containing in front to Chequer Lane 20 feet.

To William Adair parcel of ground No. 13 situated on North side of Chequer Lane continuing in front to Chequer Lane 20 feet.

To Precious Clarke parcel of ground No 14 situated on North side of Chequer Lane continuing in front to Chequer Lane 20 feet.

That said last two leases Nos. 13 and 14 were by Mesne assignment then vested in said Truelock, Meyler and Beatty.

Witnesseth that Thomas Truelock, Thomas Meyler and Edward Beatty do hereby declare said leases so made as above are held in trust as to 1/3rd part to use of Truelock, 1/3rd part to Meyler and 1/3rd part to Beatty. Also, an endorsement on said deed whereby Edward Beatty did declare that a further grant was made by the Corporation of Dublin to Jeffrey Gibton of a Lot of ground No 15 on the North side of Chequer Lane aforesaid for said lives & which was by Gibton assigned to Beatty who hereby assigns same to the above partition trusts.

Said deed, and said endorsement and this Memorial witnessed by Felix Davitt and Bartholomew Delamare, clerks to Edward Scriver of the City of Dublin, Esq. Bartholomew Delamare swears as to the witnessing at Dublin. 15 January 1773.

1774-1775 Sherriff to Lord Mayor of Dublin, Henry Hart

Gentlemen, Permit me to return you my most sincere and hearty thanks, for every kind and obliging manner in which you are pleased to express your approbation of my conduct in the different offices I have been honoured with by this ancient and loyal Corporation. At the same time I beg leave to assure you, that I will, as a Magistrate, use every means in my power to promote peace and good order and shall always be happy in supporting the rights and privileges of our Corporation.

I am, Gentlemen, With great rRespect, Your very sincere, And much obliged brother, Dame-street, Oct. 8. THOMAS TRULOCK

Newspaper Article

Married Catherine Jones

Alderman John Darragh and Thomas Trulock, praying to have the old walls, rubbish, and dunghills adjoining their houses in Flint's Croft carted and taken away at the expense of the city: whereupon it was ordered, that the city treasurer do, on the Lord Mayor's warrant, pay the petitioners the sum of ten guineas to enable them to cart and take away the dirt, filth, and rubbish in the within petition set forth.

On the 25th April, we proceeded to sot by public cant, pursuant to notice given for that purpose, that plot of ground No. 31. part of Flint's Croft, late in the possession of Samuel Potter, containing in front 20 feet and Thomas Meyler having bid 3s. 3d. per foot for the same, in trust for Thomas Trulock, we thereupon declared him the highest bidder and taker thereof, the rent to commence on the 25th March next.

Thomas Trulock, esquire and Nugent Booker, to have leases in their own names of ground in Suffolk street lately taken by alderman Rose whereupon it was granted, pursuant to the prayer of the petition.


December: Auditors of the city accounts for the last year. Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, masters of the works, aldermen Horan, Lightbume, Emerson, Bevan, Warren, Alcock, Rose, Sutton, Exshaw, messieurs Jenkin, Fleming, Richard Manders, Trulock, Magee, Guinness, Tandy, Pemberton, James Clarke, Carleton, Wateon, Poole, Jones, Mulhem, Marin Clarke, Thompson, Poole Taylor, Lord.

From: Calendar of ancient records of Dublin, in the possession of the municipal corporation of that city
1792 Elected Alderman of Dublin, August 6  
1794 Married Sarah Haughton
1798 Jeseph Pemberton elected in place of Thomas Trulock in the Mayoralty of St Andrews Oct 1798 John Watson Stewart, The Gentleman's and Citizen's Almamack for the Year 1814 Transcription
1798 I knew, says Mrs. O'Fegan of Pill-lane, old Alderman Truelock, of Capel-street, whose marriage caused no small merriment, when, in his grey-headed years, he took it into his head to marry a tall young woman with a pair of rolling black eyes. At this time the Ald. Trulock was seventy-six, but in a fit of jealousy, for which he had not the smallest foundation, he attempted the poor woman's life, and when he missed fire, he took another Truelock of his own make and blew off his skull. From: The recollections of Skeffington Gibbon, from 1796 to the present year, 1829
1798 Dublin, 24th. Mr Alderman Truelock, who has laboured for several months past under a state of mental derangement, put an end to his existance with a pistol, at his house at Symonds Court, near Ball's Bridge. This unfortunate gentleman's prevalent symptom of insanity was a persuasion that his family and servants were leagued in a plot to poison him; and so strongly did this idea possess his mind, that, for many days previous to his unhappy catastrophe, he could not be prevailed upon, even on the advice and strenous remonstration of his physicians, to take any food until Friday morning last, when he took some jelly. On the night of that fatal day, when sitting alone with his lady, he suddenly seized a pistol, which hung over his chimney-piece for the protection of his house, ever sinece a robbery which was committed on him there a short time since, and the ball passed through the back of her neck. Mrs. Truelock, with much fortitude and presence of mind, ran out of the room, in order to send on of her servants for a surgeon; and the instant she quitted the room, the Alderman bolted it on the inside, and with a second pistol dispatched himself. The servants, alarmed by the report, broke open the door, and found the unfortunate gentleman affected his fatal purpose by placing the muzzle of the pistol in his mouth, for the ball passed diagonally through the occiput. The coroner's inquest sat on the body and returned their verdict - lunacy.

Dodsley's Annual Register


This morning [Ist June] a body of about 500 or 600 persons, inhabitants of Ballsbridge, Donnybrook, and tlieir vicinities, repaired to Sandymount, there to take the oath of allegiance before Alderman Truelock,*' who, in the month of October following, being in a state of mental derangement, shot himself in his house at Simmonscourt.

Full particulars of the melancholy death of Alderman Truelock at his residence, Simmonscourt Castle, near Ballsbridge (see p. 85), may be found in the Gent, Mag, 1798, Part ii. p. 994. The house was for sale in 1799, and is described in TaxLlhuer's Dub, Joumal, 16th March.

Brief Sketches of the County of Dublin

1798 Will Reference Index to Perogative Wills of Ireland

Over the mantel-piece in the Boardroom now hangs an oil painting presented to the governors some fifty years after, in 1835, by Mr. Ball, the son of the Benjamin Ball just noticed, but the execution of which we can fix as in this year, 1779, for it evidently represents this conference with Ivory for the reduction of his plans. It is an excellent picture by Jonathan Trotter who attained some eminence as a portrait painter ; he had studied in Rome. There are nine figures, all having the character of good likenesses ; nearly all of them can be identitied. At the extreme right stands Trotter himself, palette in hand, talking to Benjamin Ball, a handsome gentleman clothed in black like a bishop ; at the farthest left stands Wilson, just appointed registrar, but not yet architect, for in the centre is an oval table ; at its head is seated, green- coated, well-looking, a gentleman who points to the open plans, and is anxiously questioning Vierpyl, who sits opposite in his working white jacket, and who seems nonplussed and not quite pleased with the examination. Between them, in the centre, is Ivory, in maroon coat, attentively listening to Vierpyl and the chairman ; beside the latter is seated a gentleman in scarlet doublet, half turning his face as if to speak to Wilson ; either he or the man in green we assume to be Blackball, but as both are at the head of the table we cannot decide. Two other figures standing between these and Wilson are said to represent Alderman Trulock and Alderman Tucker, who were both on the Building Committee.

Pic Order: Wilson, Trulock, Tucker, Blackball, Ivory, Vierpyl, Ball, Trotter

From: Foundation of the King's Hospital

From John Potter